Beautiful dog and I see a lot of grooming there!
On 12/27/2012 8:33 AM, Twenty Pearls wrote:
> From a buyers perspective it is a bit much. My breeder came and toured
> my house.... Interviewed me... Gave me a health guarantee... I thought
> it was a bit of overkill. Last I checked, nobody knows the length of
> another life, just because you ask questions doesn't really determine
> ones heart. I laughed a lot, but cash money was good!
> image.jpeg
> Sent from PINKY- my iPad
> (¯`v´¯)
> `·.¸.·´
> ¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
> (¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`Sharon H.
> <>
> On Dec 27, 2012, at 10:33 AM, "Carlee Marrer-Tising"
> < <>> wrote:
>> That sounds pretty typical of a responsible breeder, Kris. You are
>> lucky to have found them. I looked at the link you sent, and these
>> people appear to be very good breeders and have their heart in the
>> right place. Before I got into breeding myself I found all that a bit
>> exaggerated, and as a buyer I even resented it to some extent, but I
>> learned quite a bit and revised my opinion a lot once I was raising
>> little kittens myself and then sending them out into the world hoping
>> and praying that they would have a really wonderful life with the
>> people I chose for them to live with. I was quite amazed in the
>> beginning by the time and energy I had to invest in the raising of the
>> kittens. I knew it was going to be work, but I sure didn't know how
>> nerve-wracking and also sometimes scary it was going to be in addition
>> to the actual physical work!! Seeing the miracle of life and the
>> beauty of it all when the babies are born is unlike anything else,
>> though, and watching them develop and grow playful and curious and
>> gradually become little feline individuals is a wonderful experience
>> and a real privilege.
>> I found that Burmese kittens were not nearly as difficult to raise as
>> Sphynx, but that could just be my experience. My Burmese, Dayita, was
>> a perfect mother from day one until she weaned her kittens abruptly at
>> four weeks. The kittens nursed well from the very beginning and they
>> also learned quickly how to eat cat food and use the litter box. The
>> Sphynx kittens often refused to nurse when they were first born even
>> though the mother had lots of milk for them. Some of them took days
>> to learn! I read about this on the Sphynx breeder list time and
>> again, so it wasn't just my kittens, but my kittens were MY problem!
>> It wasn't easy to try to get them to nurse, holding them in place and
>> watching them finally latch on to a teat, start to nurse and then slip
>> or jerk away, only to start looking for the teat again, and this over
>> and over and over again!! Wanting them to get the all-important
>> mother's milk in the beginning, you have to decide when and how often
>> to hand-feed them so they don't become dehydrated! Having learned
>> what it was like to have a 24-hour job with some of those kittens and
>> having been told by my vet how great they had turned out, both
>> personality-wise and health-wise, I now truly understood why breeders
>> who truly care want the best for their kittens once they are ready for
>> their permanent homes and why they charge what they do. These
>> breeders not only work like mad and have a real passion for what they
>> do, they also love their charges and have a lot of fun with them! So
>> through breeding myself, I learned what kind of breeders are worthy of
>> admiration and respect and which breeders I wanted to work with.
>> On the other hand, the "backyard" breeders and the puppy-mill or
>> kitten-mill ones who are just interested in a quick buck and who often
>> sell sick or sickly kittens to unsuspecting people, are genuine
>> criminals in my opinion. They are doing a disservice to both the
>> animals and the buyers and should not be supported, put mildly. This
>> also goes for pet shops where kittens and puppies are sold.
>> Carlee
>> *Von:* <>
>> [] *Im Auftrag von *Just Murray
>> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2012 21:08
>> *An:* <>
>> *Betreff:* Re: [iPad] VERY OT: pet question
>> Sounds like these guys. They want meetings and inspections.
>> ~KM
>> --
>> \,,/(^_^)\,,/
>> (^= I rocked this email on my iPad2 =^)
>> On Dec 26, 2012, at 8:18 AM, Jim Saklad <
>> <>> wrote:
>> The good breeders worry as much about where and to whom their
>> puppies are going as the conscientious buyer does about where and
>> from whom their puppy is coming.
>> We don't sell many houn ds to people more than 3 hours from us,
>> because we always do home (and fence) checks. That said, we have
>> had dogs we sold (from Maryland) living in Japan, California,
>> Texas, Colorado, Germany, Norway
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