Re: [iPad] Too many printer apps available... which to choose?


Totally off-topic, but am I the only person who thinks that Romeo and Juliet, where teen suicide is a central issue, is inappropriate for high school students to be reading?  Or Hamlet, where again suicide is an issue only this time the hero decides not to kill himself but that murdering his uncle rather than allowing the legal process to render justice is better.  Or Macbeth where murdering one's king is something that people do when they want to advance?

Yes, totally off topic.

I think Romeo and Juliet is highly appropriate foe high-schoolers in part BECAUSE of the issues it deals with. It certainly doesn't glorify suicide.

Are you just as down on West Side Story?

Much of the background of Shakespeare's dramas comes from Holinshed's Chronicles; Will was dramatizing historical narratives. And doing so beautifully. People killed kings. Kings killed other people. That's the real world.

 Jim Saklad                              

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