Re: [iPad] Carbon footprint: paper vs cloud (Was Re: Too many printer apps available... which to choose?)


"When you say "wireline telephone" do you mean landlines or do you mean a
phone where the receiver is actually tethered to the base unit by a
wire? I have three of them in my house, because they can be used even
when the power goes out and my cordless phones and my cellphone don't work. "

You never know what will work when the power goes off. I have kept a phone with the wired receiver just for such circumstances but couldn't find it during Irene. But my AT & T iPhone worked like a charm so I was wishing my wifi iPad was 3G.
I could even track the storm with Weather Bug in real time which was a real gift as Irene hung around here with gale force or hurricane winds for 2 nights and one day. I kept on checking the radar with Weather Bug to find a time when the wind was at a lull to feel safe to go out and feed my horses. You would think you could just look out the window but with large trees coming down everywhere I didn't want another big gust to surprise me.

Anyhow the much maligned AT & T service worked when Verizon didn't. It will probably be the other way around the next time.
Mary D

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