Re: [iPad] Re: Too many printer apps available... which to choose?


I think talking is better than not as the mind will imagine worse than reality. I spoke with my kid about drugs sex hookers and all that. From my point of view. 


(^= I rocked this email on my iPad2 =^)

On Sep 28, 2011, at 10:38 AM, "David H. Bailey" <> wrote:


On 9/28/2011 10:34 AM, bj wrote:
> Ask again in about 400 years.
> My bet is they'll still be reading Shakespeare but the pop author will be
> someone entirely else -- HP may or may not even be remembered.

Totally off-topic, but am I the only person who thinks that Romeo and
Juliet, where teen suicide is a central issue, is inappropriate for high
school students to be reading? Or Hamlet, where again suicide is an
issue only this time the hero decides not to kill himself but that
murdering his uncle rather than allowing the legal process to render
justice is better. Or Macbeth where murdering one's king is something
that people do when they want to advance?

I'm just saying that perhaps reading about wizards is a better subject
matter than suicide, clandestine romance, regicide, for an age group
where such things are all too common anyway.

David H. Bailey

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