Re: [iPad] Transferring Photos from iPad to PC or Mac


It doesn't hurt to know how to do this The Old Fashioned Way, not requiring
any special apps, online-ness, etc. All you need is the sync-cable you
already have & a USB port on a PC.

-----Original Message-----
From: Just Murray
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [iPad] Transferring Photos from iPad to PC or Mac

I just showed a property manager how to do it with photostream. Hahah it
worked so well she kissed me ;)

On Jul 2, 2012, at 9:04 AM, "bj" <> wrote:

> I transfer pics from iDevices by hooking up a sync-cable and my PC (Win7)
> sees the device as a camera. (Win7 doesn't have the Photo Import Wizard
> that
> XP had, unfortunately.)
> Open an Explorer window for My Computer.
> Click on device in Explorer, drill down through file folder levels until
> get
> to one that has images, copy to whevever I want on PC.
> This doesn't involve iTunes, extra apps, or even the same computer I
> generally sync on.
> Of course, this is rather old fashioned of me -- using <gasp!> a cable
> instead of wifi or cloud but it's free, fast, and it works for iP*-->PC.
> To
> get pix on my device I either have to generate them there (camera or
> screen-capture) or sync via iTunes.
> bj

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