Re: [iPad] Possible security breach


I'm glad this came up here so I didn't get such a horrible shock when it
happened to me today. Took some thinking to come up with the answers,
even to questions I actually *have* answers for.

I don't know who was my *favorite* teacher (four good contenders for
different stages of my schooling from <10 to >50 years old) but I do know
who was my *least favorite*. :-)

I couldn't tell you who was my "favorite pet" either -- like deciding on a
favorite child. :-)

"first car" is easier to remember, aside from being knocked out by
capitalisation & spacing issues on one site I used it for.

I write all these things down in a file at home. Anybody who makes it to
that source (rifling around my desk) is going to give me way more trouble
than crashing into some web sites.

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