Re: [iPad] Transferring Photos from iPad to PC or Mac



She was just happy nothing 3rd party was required past the Internet and web browser on her work pc. 

This was just for move in/move out photos for the record keeping security deposit stuff. 


(^= I rocked this email on my iPad2 =^)

On Jul 2, 2012, at 12:12 PM, "bj" <> wrote:


It doesn't hurt to know how to do this The Old Fashioned Way, not requiring
any special apps, online-ness, etc. All you need is the sync-cable you
already have & a USB port on a PC.

-----Original Message-----
From: Just Murray
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [iPad] Transferring Photos from iPad to PC or Mac

I just showed a property manager how to do it with photostream. Hahah it
worked so well she kissed me ;)

On Jul 2, 2012, at 9:04 AM, "bj" <> wrote:

> I transfer pics from iDevices by hooking up a sync-cable and my PC (Win7)
> sees the device as a camera. (Win7 doesn't have the Photo Import Wizard
> that
> XP had, unfortunately.)
> Open an Explorer window for My Computer.
> Click on device in Explorer, drill down through file folder levels until
> get
> to one that has images, copy to whevever I want on PC.
> This doesn't involve iTunes, extra apps, or even the same computer I
> generally sync on.
> Of course, this is rather old fashioned of me -- using <gasp!> a cable
> instead of wifi or cloud but it's free, fast, and it works for iP*-->PC.
> To
> get pix on my device I either have to generate them there (camera or
> screen-capture) or sync via iTunes.
> bj

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