Re: [iPad] Re: Windows vs Mac


Hi Jerry, and thanks
The MBP Retina will replace my Wintel laptop as a do almost everything coffee table laptop. It is overkill for me as it is basically a gaming capable laptop, but you have to enjoy life!
I fly FSX and drive F1 on my gaming PC. Yes, yoke, rudder, two sets of throttles. For F1 I have a wheel and pedals. I've built MANY (as in a few hundred)  PC's so I'd; never buy one, I'd build it to my spec, and change when I wish to. That leaves Apple out in the cold, but in my other life, my Apple gear will have its own home eco system. Cannot wait!
From: toolznglue <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 27 July 2012 2:40 PM
Subject: [iPad] Re: Windows vs Mac

Hi, Tony:

On Jul 26, 2012, at 10:11 PM, wrote:

For me as MAC newbie, or soon to be newbie, what i think is as follows.
MAC a little more expensive I assume altho I haven't compared the specs at a desktop level yet. Laptops arent much more expensive.

Goes both ways. You can certainly find "designed for Windows" computers that are half the price of some Apple computers, at least for notebook/laptop computers; I haven't been interested in desktop computers of either religion for over twenty years). Generally, if you find a "designed for Windows" computer built as well as a Mac, you'll find a comparable price tag. Apple simply doesn't make a low end commodity computer. Their "mini" is the closest thing to one, but it's a desktop and not a notebook/laptop.

MAC will integrate more and better with my iPhone and iPad and Apple TV and iTunes

MAC will I assume be a little snappier

MAC will I assume and hope, to not bog down over time by the growing number of CPU processes that hang around Windows machines, as well as browsers

I haven't notice any speed drops over time; I do use iDefrag every so often to defrag the hard drive. 

MAC cannot be upgraded, hence it will never grow past being my "do most things" laptop

Since you're considering the Retina Macbook Pro, you're correct. You can update the hard drive and memory in the standard Macbook Pro. Advice here is to think long and hard when you purchase your Retina MBP about how much memory and hard drive equivalent you really need. 

MAC will hopefully give me a nice experience

It should. OS X and Windows aren't all that different as far as the user interface is concerned. I moved from Windows to OS X quite easily. IMHO, the major difference between the two is that where Windows uses CTRL+Key, OS X uses Command+key. That'll get you through most of the transition pains.. Also, you'll find that the after sales support for Apple products is quite a bit better than anything you'll find for "designed for Windows" computers. Make use of the Genius Bar folks when necessary; they work for you for free - just make an appointment via internet - and are quite knowledgeable. Also phone help the first 90 days or 3 yrs if you purchase Applecare is quite handy as well.

I'm kind of an agnostic as far as computers are concerned; I use a Macbook Pro as my personal computer, an Ubuntu Linux box to drive my desktop CNC mill, and a Windows XP based netbook to drive some of my model trains. Carol has a MBP for her personal computer and also uses a Windows based netbook to drive her Bernina Aurora sewing machine when it's in the embroidery mode.

Jerry Jankura
So many toys…. So little time….

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