Re: [iPad] OT: Look what showed up on my carport!


We have plenty of snakes here in Eastern NC. My son was fascinated with snakes which is why I know the poisonous ones here so well as since he brought snakes home I wanted him to know the poisonous ones well. However, outside of the coral snake which is not common and more toward Florida all the rest both east and west are pit vipers and have wedge shaped heads and slit pupils. The markings on the snake pictured are similar to some hognose snakes and garter snakes but also some rattlesnakes. It doesn't sound like you will get close to this snake anyhow so it is a moot point but rattlesnakes can have lost their rattles so the head shape is a better feature to judge. Mary D

On Jul 1, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Jim Saklad wrote:

>>>> If no rattles it is not a rattlesnake which I don't know as well but it is not a copperhead or cottonmouth or coral snake which are the other poisonous snakes in the US. They give me the whiles as well.
>>>> Mary D
>>> Usually it's a rat snake or corn snake. Harmless. Scared of humans.
>> If you aren't SURE, and can't identify it, NEVER assume it's NOT dangerous.
> I have such a fear of ALL snakes that I get as far away from any of them as quickly as possible!

I did a simple web search ("venomous snakes Maryland"), and learned there are only 2 here: northern copperhead and eastern timber rattlesnake. In 34 years in Maryland, I have never seen either outside a zoo.

Do the same search for your area and at least learn what there is to actually fear, and how to recognize them.

Jim Saklad

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