Do you mean files you've created on your computer?
D2G doesn't "sync" files the way music etc do, it used file-sharing, just as
a number of other apps do.
I load those to my iDevices using file-sharing in the apps tab in iTunes --
and not necessarily the computer I sync from. IOW I'm not syncing the
device, just copying over files & perhaps not doing any other
computer-device syncing etc.
No cloud or online access needed.
-----Original Message-----
From: JoyceK
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:15 AM
Subject: [iPad] Just noticed neat feature of Dropbox
Hi, After setting up Docs to Go and successfully copying docs to it a few
weeks ago, this morning I couldn't figure out how to get newly edited docs
into the Docs to Go folder on my iPad (for some reason they weren't
syncing). Then I discovered a neat feature of Drop Box which you probably
already know about but I was so happy to discover it, I just had to share.
It is sooo much easier to copy a doc onto an iPad using Drop Box. Once you
open the document in Drop Box, you can click on the right-most icon at the
top (square with an arrow) and from there you can open in Docs to Go. Yay!
Re: [iPad] Just noticed neat feature of Dropbox