Re: [iPad] Re: Question re styluses


It has a lot to do with the particular app you are using the stylus with. Most of the better drawing/sketching apps have settings for line width, style etc. The style being pencil, paint brush, crayon etc. Within these selections you can vary the line width.
This a a very simple sketch/watercolor made using the ArtStudio app. It has the ability to do layers so the lifework was done with the "pencil" setting on one layer and the coloring was done on another layer using the "paint brush" setting.

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On May 1, 2011, at 9:19 AM, Woody <> wrote:

> This is a matter of "learning to hold your mouth right". Yes tips of the
> styluses are big, but they, like your finger can produce fine, delicate
> lines. Because the iDevices were designed for use by a finger guess the
> styluses are or must be too. Look at the artwork done on an iPhone and
> iPad, this is detail work. I remember in the early 80's learning to use
> a mouse with the first Mac. It took a bit to get the mind and hand
> coordination relation to click. Once done, just like riding a bike, you
> never forget.
> Certain you are up to the task. You will quickly learn where to put the
> stylus and how to move it without thinking. Also some Apps have an
> offset or delay that makes using confusing. But once I use some Apps a
> few minutes can quickly adjust. Others are too difficult for me to
> adjust to and have left them for others. Someone, April? sent a copy of
> a NoteTaker HD list. It was great, clear, normal type handwriting. Now
> she has used that App many times a day. Quickly she got the hang of NT
> (or really writing on the iPad) and probably thinks no more about NT
> than you or I do about keeping a car between the lines on the road.
> Second nature.
> On 5/1/2011 7:10 AM, AnneL wrote:
>>> Has anyone used this stylus and how does it attach to the iPad?
>> This is actually the one I have that prompted my question on the list. The
>> little plug that you see at the side plugs into the headphone jack. It
>> works fine. However, it's short -- about the length of a crayon -- very
>> light, and the tip is large and stubby, so the result is really no different
>> than just using your fingertip. You can't write any more finely, if you
>> have a handwriting note app. I have two, Penultimate and Note Taker HD, and
>> now I'm sorry I wasted my money on the apps. It's not a matter of the line
>> being too thick -- that's adjustable -- it's a matter of the thick tip
>> giving you no fine writing control, so your writing looks like you did it
>> blindfolded. I'd really love to know how the app developer made the neat,
>> legible samples you see in the app store.
>> Anne
> ------------------------------------
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