Cinemax already offers something similar, but an app is not yet available for the iPad. Rumors are later this year.
Showtime has announced they will have something, but no dates are given.
On May 30, 2011, at 6:39 AM, Ellen Cotton wrote:
> You have to be a subscriber to HBO to use HBO GO. They require you to enter information from
> your cable provider (username, password). If you don't have this info you can call the cable
> company and get it. So they're not giving anything away...just an added perk. I hope that other
> premium channels follow suit. It's a good way to get those made for TV programs that one misses.
> BTW, I've not tried connecting the Ipad to my TV. I have a big screen TV but it's not HDTV.
> ....Ellen
Re: [iPad] Re: HBO GO Issue