Re: [iPad] Re: What's with the "Not charging"?


All my Apple sync cables work with any of my iPod/Phone/Pad just fine.
No need to color-code them.

It's the *wall charger* that's different for the i*Pad*. It's noticeably
larger than a wall charger for iPod/Phone.

However, you can charge an iPod/Phone using the iPad charger with no

You can (I can, anyway) charge an iPad on a (plugged-in) laptop with that
same old (4-5 years old) iPod sync cable (despite it saying "not charging"),
it just takes longer than the iPad wall charger (maybe way longer, I don't
know exactly since I've only done it when plugging it in to sync & going off
to do something else for a while.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Shaw
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [iPad] Re: What's with the "Not charging"?

I guess it's time to go get my Sharpie pen and mark these cables and
chargers I have.
But I still think it's dumb and...not very elegant either. Which isn't how
Apple usually is.
PS those colored cables of yours are nice...

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