Re: [iPad] Re: Question re styluses


Hi, Judith:

The capacitive stylus needs no electrical connection to the iPad to work properly. The "circuit" is made via the conductive foam pad, the aluminum handle, and your hand holding the stylus. I would expect that you'd unplug the stylus from the headphone jack when you're actually using it.

BTW - I took the time to visit your web site. I liked what I saw. You've got talent and it's quite easy to lose track of time while browsing from one image to another.

Jerry Jankura
So many toys.... So little time...
Sent from my iPad

On May 1, 2011, at 10:57 AM, Judith <> wrote:

> Thank you for input on this stylus. I thought it plugged into the headphone jack but I was not sure.
> Being that the "leash" is a little short I will not order it. I am getting a stylus for hubbies ipad2 and I think I will order the Pogo for him. I have one and it works great for sketching programs.

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