[iPad] Re: Question re styluses


I like the DAGI stylus which can be ordered from Amazon. Also, have you checked the settings in your apps to adjust the thickness of the lines?

--- In iPad@yahoogroups.com, "AnneL" <shadow484@...> wrote:
> I have a couple of sketch apps, Penultimate, and Note Taker HD. I bought a
> Boxwave capacitive stylus and was a little dismayed at how thick and clumsy
> the tip is -- it's as big as a pencil eraser. Either the illustrations on
> the apps are dirty lies, or somebody out there is making a much more
> fine-pointed stylus, because I can't manage anything with the stylus that
> looks any better than using my finger -- in other words, it looks like a
> kindergartener's writing. Any suggestions, anyone?
> Anne

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