[iPad] Re: 3G and SIM Cards


Arlene in RI

--- In iPad@yahoogroups.com, Dean <w5gxl108@...> wrote:
> Yes, you will need 3G.
> No, you do not need to buy a SIM card as it comes with the card.
> Get the large IPad with the most memory, you will thank yourself later on.
> Dean W5GXL
> On May 2, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Arlene wrote:
> > Hi-I am hoping to buy an Ipad very soon. Before I order I would love to get some ??s answered.
> > To use the Maps app, do I need to order an iPad w/3G? If so,do I also need to buy a SIM card? I saw a recent post in which the SIM card was mentioned and that confused me.
> > Thanks very much.
> > Arlene in RI
> >
> >

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