Re: [iPad] handbrake


I did a DVD with several shows on it but recall it did them all at once, so different disks maybe different.
Handbrake has a dropdown menu, button where it shows what it is going to copy. I have a PC so screen maybe different. It tries to pick what it thinks is the main program on the disk. On a movie disk you may need to select a different file if you want to copy the interviews, out takes, etc.

On 10/2/2010 7:38 AM, Terry  wrote:

Does anyone have any wisdom on how to rip a DVD which has several shows in it? I have some Law & Order shows I'd like to put on my iPad. Each disc has four episodes on it. Last time I tried I only got the first episode. 
Terry, right now using handbrake but I have mac the ripper too

Sent from my iPad

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