my bad i thought it was 1100 not 11,000 (they forgot the comma, i missed that they forgot it!!! LOLOL :P) its friday, ggive a dude a break
"I wish developing great products was as easy as writing a check," Steve Jobs said. "If so, then Microsoft would have great products." ~May 2007 stockholder's meeting
On Oct 1, 2010, at 10:20 AM, Jim Saklad wrote:
its super expensive i bought mine for ten bucks on newegg thanksgiving sale. when your battery runs down you woudl plug this in to charge it. mine is 1000MA not 1100. the idea is good this product is way too expensiveKris, you should really try reading the site referred to before commenting on it.The product sited provides 10 times the mA you cite, for $85:• 11000mAh capacity, Charge iPad one time, Charge iPhone 6 times• Compatible with 2G 3G 3Gs 4G iPhone• Compatible with iPad and 3G iPad• Compatible with all generation 2G 3G 4G iPod touch--