Re: [iPad] another Christmas picture


I can see why you would feel very lucky, Mary.  That hurricane must have been terrifying for you if it removed trees so close to your house. 
That is certainly a beautiful view to have behind your house, though, and what a wonderful place to walk your dog! .  That's great that you got that graceful heron in your picture.  
-------Original Message-------
Date: 28.12.2011 23:07:17
Subject: Re: [iPad] another Christmas picture
This was taken behind my house on the Neuse River in eastern North Carolina around 15 minutes before sunrise.. This is the new post Hurricane Irene view as there was a cluster of bald cypress trees where the roots are showing on the right. The bird is a great blue heron.
This is my morning dog walk most mornings and I feel very lucky ever day.




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