Re: [iPad] Shove over, dog!


Thanks for the compliments about the zoo ... we have 3 orange cats and 2 Boston Terrors.

I am so glad you mentioned the PSE ... it's a whole lot of fun. And of course they will be adding more goodies for us to buy!

LauraV in TX

On Dec 29, 2011, at 6:32 PM, Carlee Marrer-Tising wrote:


I loved seeing your picture, Laura.  What lovely animals you have.  Glad you like Photoshop Express.  Yes, wasn't that cool that the app appeared so magically on your iPhone!!   
-------Original Message-------
Date: 29.12.2011 00:46:39
Subject: [iPad] Shove over, dog!
The dogs and cats were given several new beds for Christmas. The one here is a huge dog bed that goes under my big computer desk, where the dogs love to live. Obviously Mac, who is not a dog, told Molly that she had to share! I did some interesting work, including cropping, with Photoshop Express for the iPhone. Unknown to me, when I got PSE for my iPad it automagically gave me the iPhone version.

LauraV in TX


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