Terry Pogue <tpogue@comcast.net> on Sat, 31 Dec 2011 10:04:25 -0500:
>Oh I don't know if it's available for the iPad 2 or not. I'm planning on a new iPad when the new one comes out. They are saying March aren't they? Or is that a new iPhone.
I wouldn't hold my breath. Last November (last month, seems ages away)
I looked for the rumors. I found that an ambitious high-resolution
screen was unlikely to enter production soon. So I bought an iPad 2.
>> This is mine. I love it. You can stand the iPad up to watch a movie or show photographs if you like. I also have the same color and design for my iPhone. It's my preference for a fashionable look rather than a techie one. I offer this just in case your wife thinks all that is available is the tech look. It's what I use when I go out.
>> <http://www.michaelkors.com/p/MICHAEL-Michael-Kors-MICHAEL-Michael-Kors-Jet-Set-iPad-Case-Metallic-Gold-Small-Leather-Goods/prod10280005/?ecid=MKCIShoppingFeed&ncx=n&uEm=%%CSE%%&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=prod10280005skuGOLD>
This looks like mine, but mine has (hardly useful) folds:
I didn't have much choice then and there, but I enjoy it.
Chris Laarman
Re: [iPad] IPad cases