[iPad] Re: Bluetooth Earbuds that will Control the Music on iPad 1


These looks sharp, and I have always love Altec Lansing speaker sound. Does it have Pause/Play/FF/RW capabilities like iPod Shuffle G3 earbuds have?

--- In iPad@yahoogroups.com, "Budd T" <n7eoj@...> wrote:
> I've been happily using Plantronics 903BackBeat. The 903 is out of production, superseded by the 906. Excellent sound reproduction and molded silicone ear channels make long term wearing comfortable.
> At one point I thought the 903's receiver had failed and bought a Emerson 510. Now I know why it was on sale. Very narrow frequency response biased to the high end. They might be OK for cellphone or 2-way communications use, but not for music listening.

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