Re: [iPad] Re: My iPad one crashes... and is doing other stupid stuff


My ip1's been crashing a lot, too. The people at the gbar haven't been helpful - or, I thot, overly knowledgeable. Fast thruput.

I assume hardware is degrading or new sw is targeted at the new hw, sort of ignoring the earlier models. That's got to be a lot easier than trying to make it work with all models.

So this suggests that an iPad is good for, what, 3 years before your apps start crashing a lot? If you spend 1K for a new iPad every 4 years, your iPad
hardware bill is $250/year.


On Sep 18, 2012
Diccionario VOX Advanced Español-Inglés
1 vi (ojos) to blinkwink.
2 vi (luz) to flickertwinkle., at 4:10 PM, "PAULS" <> wrote:


Got tired of the crashing and rebooting again. The the iPad BACK to the Apple store again.

They wiped it AGAIN and said to reinstall everything from my MAC instead of from the cloud! Completely contradictory from the last Genius.

The only offer they made me was to swap it out for another Generation 1 iPad for $250! Really? $250? I wonder who would take that deal.

So here I sit with a "re-virgined" iPad again. Now I am going to try the wired sync to put things back.

Not really thrilled with the results or support. I realize they owe me nothing and I am not expecting to get a new free iPad, but at least I would have liked consistency between Geniuses.

Any thoughts?



--- In, "PAULS" <faatcpss@...> wrote:
> Jim et all....
> I took it to a real Apple store.
> Apps were reinstalled from Apple through the iStore Apps, Previously purchased approach. Nothing from my sync is back on the iPad.
> It is a 3G (ATT) Generation 1 iPad.
> At this point considering it is an original and this long out of warranty, why would they do anything but say "oh well, to bad"? They really don't owe me anything, yet on the other hand, there is nothing I could do to make this happen!
> Thanks.....
> Paul
> --- In, Jim Saklad <jimdoc@> wrote:
> >
> > > So.... yesterday I took the unhappy step of taking my iPad to the store for them to "fix".
> >
> > This is the actual Apple Store, not another source, like Best Buy?
> >
> > > Their first response was you have too many apps open at one time.. of course it will crash. The Genius promptly cleared all the "open" apps and declared all was well.
> >
> > That was a bullshit answer on his part, as you, and he, found out.
> > (Bullshit because it is unlikely that more than 3 or 4 apps in the rapid-switching tray were actually open.)
> >
> > > I asked to verify that. We opened the iTunes app. As soon as I clicked on Featured music, the app closed! Though now surprised, the Genius responded with, "guess we need to wipe it and start over". I had synced the previous night in anticipation of this and said ok.
> > >
> > > He then cleared the iPad and reinstalled iOS 5. Tried the iTunes app. It worked. Said I was good and go reinstall my apps from the cloud as I might put back a problem from my synced file. Not real happy with that but agreed.
> > >
> > > Last night I started redownloading apps from the app store. After about an hour, the app store app started closing occasionally.
> > >
> > > In other words, I am back where I was..... it still crashes out of apps and goes back to the desktop.
> > >
> > > Now what?
> >
> > First: which iPad? (If it is the new, 3rd-gen iPad, you can reasonably tell them, "If you can't fix it, replace it." Same, in fact, for an iPad 2 if you bought Applecare.)
> >
> > Now, to be clear: the iPad has been "reset as new", and from that new state, Apps have been re-downloaded from the cloud, correct?
> > Has anything (other than Apps) been replaced via iTunes on your computer (e.g., music, podcasts, videos, etc.)?
> >
> > What now? Now *I* would go back to my Apple Store, state that the efforts by the previous Genius (name him if you can) were completely useless, describe what has been done, and demand a senior tech.
> >
> > --
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@
> >

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