AW: [iPad] Is This The iPad Group..?/talking on a cell phone or dictating to an iPad/Borg/Ed


I don't know exactly which rights wouldn't apply to animals, but I think I understand what you mean.  I am not at all impressed by a lot of the animal rights people who don't realize the harm that they are doing to animals and animal lovers with their ridiculous demands.  To give you two really stupid examples:  in Basel you are committing a crime if you don't have one more litter box than you have cats!  So if you have 4 giant-sized litter boxes for five or six cats, you are committing a crime.  Having/raising cats that don't have whiskers is also a crime, although there is scientific evidence proving that a cat with no whiskers has no trouble orienting herself at all.  There are no disadvantages, in other words.  But it is a crime.  Sphynx whiskers break off, so they might as well not have any, but since they would have them if they didn't break off, I am not committing a crime. 




Von: [] Im Auftrag von Ed
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. August 2012 18:48
Betreff: RE: [iPad] Is This The iPad Group..?/talking on a cell phone or dictating to an iPad/Borg



Carlee,  I was responding to Alice's comments regarding the difference between chipping a human and chipping an animal.   But yes,  my comments do extend beyond that subject to the general category of  "Animal Rights".   I'm all for certain basic animal rights,  ( such as the right not to be abused ),  but some people tend to want to attribute all human rights to animals,  which is going too far in my view.




From: [] On Behalf Of Carlee Marrer-Tising
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 6:03 AM
Subject: AW: [iPad] Is This The iPad Group..?/talking on a cell phone or dictating to an iPad/Borg



I don't see why it's a problem, Ed, just a different perspective.  As to the category not being the same, it all depends on what you mean by category. 


Regarding the chips, I wouldn't put a chip in my cats' heads, either!  I would put an ID chip under their skin, though, (and have been required to do so).  And since my uncle, who had Alzheimer's, got lost more than once and called his wife in tears, wanting her to come get him (but she couldn't, since he couldn't tell her where he was), I even think a GPS chip of some kind might be a life saver for some people.  You have to differentiate, though.  What kind of chip is being used and what is it for, that is the question!  




Von: [] Im Auftrag von Ed
Gesendet: Donners
tag, 30. August 2012 03:29
Betreff: RE: [iPad] Is This The iPad Group..?/talking on a cell phone or dictating to an iPad/Borg



Personally,  I do not consider animals in the same category as humans.  I know many people do;  that is a problem.


Ed   in Oregon



From: [] On Behalf Of Alice


What I don't understand is why would a chip in a person's head freak a person out when they'd chip their animal?


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