Re: [iPad] iPad 3 coming March 7th hopefully


All UIs descend from Xerox Parc. Macs UI for example.

And most UIs descend from Windows or borrow heavily from it. Android to me has all the UI flaws of Windows in a leaner package with some good apps - not great apps like the iPad has but very good apps. Ubuntu and most Unix GUIs descends more from Mac and Windows than from Xerox Parc. Unix however is very short of sexy feature rich user oriented apps and programming IDEs some of their best tools are command line. Windows, iOS, Android and Mac are way ahead on that. 

The Metro UI in Win8 / WinMobile seems to be the newest thing under the sun, their 'everything is a widget' approach vs Icons and menus.

Yeah the computer field incestously borrows from each other and their ancestors while their advocates claim they are all superior and unique and nothing like their predecessors they are all just 'variations on a few themes'.

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 7:15 AM, pabitra saha <> wrote:

All OSes these days, borrow heavily from concepts, first popounded in Unix and later expanded is Linux etc.
The directory structure etc are some of the visible ones.
Even Mac OS is based on the same.
The fact that Unix was open source, all the guys had to read it in college to know what and how an OS should do things.

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