Banyan - The National Tree of India  The Great banyan tree - the tree of the world's largest area of the crown. Located in the Indian Botanical cadu in Hauri. |  Bunyan, or, as it is called, the tree-forest, has not one but thousands of barrels. |  The Great banyan tree Ficus is a Bengali, the fruits are small and inedible when ripe red. |  In the ancient banyan tree, called the World, it is a symbol of human consciousness. It is quite possible that a tree grew in the Garden of Eden. And it was called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. |  The tree represents a constantly updated, and the resurgent world, an inexhaustible source of life. It appearing from the seed grows, creates his own world, their lives. It is a symbol of order and harmony as opposed to chaos. |  Banyan - the national tree of India. Under this tree, the Buddha attained complete enlightenment. There is something of mnogorukih multilegged-dancing Indian gods, is not it? |  The name "banyan» (banyan) introduced by Europeans. People from Portugal and England noted that Hindu merchants (banias) often gathered to trade, communicate and relax under the huge trees. There was a name «banias tree», and later the word "Banyan" came to mean the tree itself. |  All is as follows: first, grows only one tree whose branches stretch out from the processes that extend back to the ground. |  Of course, most of these aerial roots do not reach the ground and dry up, however, most of the processes of Fortune smiles, and they manage to take root. Immediately after hanging the root begins to thicken, gradually turning into a real new barrel. And now the tree trunk 2 and then 3 and 4 .... how much is enough space. |      More Fun On Group Blog Why you wear a Helmet ? - Video  Play Here    