Re: [iPad] iPad intermittent connectivity to Internet Solved!


I got a new Netgear router (N300, model#WNR2000v3 bought hurriedly
at Best Buy, can't find receipt but well <$100) a few weeks ago.

I set it up with no problems by just...following the directions on the
quick-start guide! (what a concept.) including what needed to be off or
unplugged & reconnected & in what order. Didn't take more than 1/2 hour, not
including some desk/gear re-arrangement & dusting I did while I was at it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Maria Boyle
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:18 AM
Subject: [iPad] iPad intermittent connectivity to Internet Solved!

Good Morning,

I wanted to share this with everyone, just in case someone needs to
connect a new router.

After trying everything possible without luck, I went to the Apple
store and got the airport Extreme. Took me about 3 hours to get it up and
running connecting with the internet. At first it would only work as a
router to connect other computers, but not see the Internet. I had to reset
the router to factory default and start over.

The solution (wish I had known this) was to unplug both the cable
modem, and router, disconnect the cables. Waited about 10 minutes,
connected the cable back to modem & router, turn on the modem first, then
turned on the airport extreme router. Then started the process of
programming the router to see the modem.

All is well that ends well. I now have perfect uninterrupted service
connecting with my iPad!
Woo Hoo.....

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