Re: [iPad] Web clip for Evernote


I use Evernote, love the program!  Right now I don't think there is an actual Evernote clipper according to a post I read on an Evernote forum:

Apple doesn't give us any way to install a clipper into the iPad Safari browser, so there's no easy way to get clipping to work on the device.

There is a work around that I have used.  A bit clunky/slow but it works.

On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Devitt <> wrote:

I just downloaded Evernote. I would like to use Web Clip to save parts of web pages to Evernote, but can't figure out how to do it.

The web clip download page from Evernote keeps sending me in circles. I click "download for iPad" and I just get sent back to the same page. Can't find anywhere to find a functioning download. What am I doing wrong?

Evernote experts can you help a Newbie?


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