Re: [iPad] Camera Kit and Memory/Michael


Can they look any cuter?!??! Lol

(: Rocked from my iPhone4 :)

On Aug 29, 2011, at 9:22 AM, Wyldceltic1 <> wrote:

In our Recording Tech class we learned how to get great sound with a cheap mic and crappy guitar all with 'Placement'. Technique is a biggie when you have 'cheaper' items and little money. Same with Photography.

"It is not the size of your instrument, but it is how you play it". Rings true in many professions.

Me, eating some cheese and crackers, good lighting and 4 posing Pomeranians netted me this great shot:


They all wanted their cut, yeah?

On Aug 29, 2011, at 2:06 AM, Carlee Marrer-Tising wrote:

Michael said:  "As a side note, it's kinda funny but the best pictures I've ever taken have been on what a lot of people would call crummy cameras, I hear about how this or that camera walks on water etc etc. Then someone with real skill or dumb luck takes a great shot with a crummy iPad. Well, for me the iPad as a camera is more than enough to take great pictures even with little skill. We're not all magazine photographers. I believe it's more the picture taker than the camera with the great technology we have today."
I agree with you 100% regarding great pics being taken with "crummy" (in the eyes of "serious" photographers, that is) cameras!   I haven't taken a lot of pics with my iPad, but I use my iPhone all the time and sometimes I get better pics with it than with my "good" camera!   I, too, believe it's more the picture taker than the camera with the great technology we have today.  You can get the best pics with the camera you are the most comfortable with and that is AT HAND you when you need it!   I'm going to try using my iPad's camera a bit more often.  <happy.gif>

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