Re: [iPad] Re: Steve Jobs Resigns As CEO From Apple


-----Original Message-----
From: Wyldceltic1
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [iPad] Re: Steve Jobs Resigns As CEO From Apple

Even though there is no cure yet, people with diabetes are living very
nicely thanks to new meds and tools to help us with that thing called 'day
to day living'. Much of the new meds and tools are here because of RESEARCH
and that requires MONEY.

I understand a lot of organizations use money for admin costs, but they do
use it also to help in human trials, tests and development.

I dread to think what my life may be like if the insulin pump, faster-acting
Analog insulin, better testing equipment etc had not been developed by this
time. Things ARE happening, maybe not as fast as I would like, but a darn
sight better than being stagnent. Sometimes, people have only to donate a
few bucks to a cause. *I* am certainly no Scientist/microbiologist, so if my
$10.00 a month ongoing contribution helps someone, GREAT! It is hardly

My life as a diabetic is certainly easier with the new meds come along just
in the past few years. Yeah, I *managed* before, but it was more work & just
plain aggravating nuisance. I'm not on insulin but That Pill I Take is worth
every cent it costs -- and it costs plenty (I'm glad I can afford it w/ or
w/o insurance.) Really helps wityh quality-of-life.

I also have/had thyroid cancer -- which isn't much in the news unless
Somebody Famous gets it. I haven't needed the research I've helped
fund (& hope I never do) but want it there if I ever do have a recurrence or
my situation gets obstreperous. I have had the benefit of some of the
research that's been done, mostly in how it's made my followups easier.
I even know some of the doctors doing research.
(fortunately I did well & continue to have no problems cancer-wise.)

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