Re: [iPad] Steve Jobs Resigns As CEO From Apple


I worked at Apple from 1982-91.  Although I didn't work in Steve Job's organization, our group had plenty of direct dealings with him.  He was tough and demanding, but he treated his people (meaning all of us Apple employees) well.  He made Apple a rewarding & even fun place to work.

In our house, we have *never* had a non-Apple computer.  Our 5 kids all grew up with Mac computers and, even with two of them adults for whom we no longer pay for their electronics, they have remained Mac-only.  Our two youngest kids attended a private high school which required all students to have a Mac--couldn't imagine choosing a school that required PCs.

Steve Jobs contributed so much to Apple and to our high-tech world.  I wish him the best.

I think it was John Gruber (of Daring Fireball) who said that Steve Jobs greatest product is Apple - the company.

 Jim Saklad                              

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