Re: [iPad] Camera connection kit


I am pretty sure that iTunes downsamples all image files that are not already at "TV resolution".  What concerns me, is whether or not this is done when downloading from the camera connect kit.  If those are downsampled, that would effectively ruin the image file for post processing and/or printing.  I really doubt that they are, due to the necessity for additional software/firmware.  Will try it when I get the correct kit.  I purchased one of the chinese knockoffs and iPad complains about it not being Apple. LOL  No big loss.  This whole thing is not real important as I do not intend to use the iPad for image storage, anyway.  Just to display some of my work, along with other unrelated things. VBG
Paul in Portland OR

On 7/31/2011 11:26 PM, Just Murray wrote:

iTunes does in my case. 
I've added some fairly large ones from the net that were not downsamplrd although I have not done any official test

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