[iPad] Re: Web clip for Evernote


I don't know if this will help or not, as I am also a beginner with Evernote. What I did was to select the part of a web page that I wanted, and then copied it. I opened a page on evernote, and pasted it. It worked. I then transferred to my computer and printed it. (I didn't have a print program at the time.) I didn't try to copy any images, so i don't know if they will copy and paste or not. Hope this helps.


--- In iPad@yahoogroups.com, Devitt <devittad@...> wrote:
> I just downloaded Evernote. I would like to use Web Clip to save parts of web pages to Evernote, but can't figure out how to do it.
> The web clip download page from Evernote keeps sending me in circles. I click "download for iPad" and I just get sent back to the same page. Can't find anywhere to find a functioning download. What am I doing wrong?
> Evernote experts can you help a Newbie?
> C
> Sent from my iPad

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