I'd say that I use it about 80% to produce and 20% to consume, but I'm
not sure I'm really clear on the use of these terms.
I use it every day in teaching my band classes, so am I producing with
it or consuming with it since I'm reading PDF files of music (the band
scores) while I'm teaching?
The same question would arise concerning my use of it for other musical
uses -- if I use it as my electronic music stand to read music from
while playing my instrument, am I producing with it or consuming with
it? If I'm performing using the iPad as a sound module which I control
with a midi keyboard, I'm consuming because I'm using the sounds that
are included in whatever app I am running the midi input through, but
I'm also producing since I'm playing music for others to hear. But I'm
not producing in the same way as someone who is using it to create
materials for other iPad users to consume.
I understand the original question as it regards to people reading
emails or ebooks or newspapers -- those would be consuming uses. And I
understand it regarding people who write fiction or nonfiction or who
create/edit spreadsheets on it to share with others and also regarding
people who compose music with it.
But there is a big gray area -- for instance if a person is using it as
a teleprompter to give a speech, is that consuming or producing?
If a person is using it to teach a class and is referring to materials
downloaded onto the iPad, is that consuming or producing?
David H. Bailey
Re: [iPad] Consume vs Produce on an iPad