Re: [iPad] Commercial in Streaming Apps: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly


and the shows are tolerable? lol after not having tv for closing in on a decade, when i do see commercials at a friends house, im glued to them, why? because they amuse me. it amuses me that people umm, buy from them, i find them better produced than much of tv.

On Mar 10, 2014, at 1:44 PM, david smith <> wrote:

> Not all app developers have gotten it wrong. Hulu Plus, the $7.99 monthly subscription app, gets some things right when it comes to playing commercials. 

Not enough for me. We subscribe to Hulu, but only for the Criterion movies, which are commercial free. The mini-commercials they force on you elsewhere are intolerable.

"Experience is a name we give to our mistakes"
    ~ Oscar Wilde.

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