[iPad] Re: Problems with iPad OS


I appreciate the responses that I received to my inquiry regarding the iPad exiting from, in my case, Facebook, but my daughter said it has happened to her with other apps. I didn't ask her what apps it has happened with, so I can't address the issue as to her having it.

A few responders mention that it has happened to them, and others state that they have not had the problem. They did not say whether it was Facebook or some other app, so I won't make any assumptions in regards to their experiences. I'm glad I'm not the only one having the problem, but it doesn't appear to be universal. A complete reboot might help, as I rarely, if ever, turn off my iPad.

One responder mentioned a web site that I have not gone to as yet, but will shortly. I will also ask my daughter what apps it has happened to her with while she was using her iPad. With me it has only been while using Facebook.

I have not tried a complete reboot as one user suggested. Good idea! I'll do that and get back to the group. Also I will check with my daughter to see if she can recall which apps have been affected.

Again, thanks for the responses, and if anybody else has some knowledge of this, I'm open to any and all suggestions.

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