Sent from David's iPad
Hey there is a menu of characters that popup when you press and hold certain keys, punctuation keys and letters that have accent marks toōôóöòøœ like these seven on the "o" key.
Jan -Newport RI
--- In, Terry Pogue <tpogue@...> wrote:
> Got it finally. Thanks again Carl for all the tips.
> terry
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> On Jan 23, 2011, at 12:10 PM, Terry Pogue wrote:
> >
> >
> > I can't seem to get the first tip to work.
> > First I held down the shift key (the arrow)
> > Then I held my finger in the word until I got the magnifier glass and slide that to the firt letter of that word. All I got was the select select all stuff. I must be missing something.
> >