[iPad] Re: ok to leave charger on


In earlier times we were told to stop charging when the batts topped off. Over charging was said to shorten battery life and cause memory effects. What is the story now?

Sent from my iPad
John Ferman
Minneapolis, MN

On Jan 30, 2011, at 10:47 PM, iPad@yahoogroups.com wrote:

6a. Re: OK to leave charger plugged in?
   Posted by: "doyle.eugene" doyle.eugene@yahoo.com doyle.eugene
   Date: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:10 am ((PST))

A power cube has a transformer as the initial component inside. The input windings are connected to the ac and convert the wall power to a lower level for the charger to use to charge your ipad. This winding creates a load on the wall power that is lost as heat when the charger is not in use. If you have anything creating heat, however minuscule it takes energy. Granted it is very little, but it is wasted energy.

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