Re: [iPad] OK to leave charger plugged in?


I just visited my local Apple store last week and asked this very same question, since I was in the habit of listening to Pandora all day long while it was plugged in. The Apple guy was adamant about charging to 100%, then removing the charger and using the battery all the way down. By not doing so, you will find the battery not lasting as long.

I believe this, as this is what was happening to me. I am now waiting until it gets down to 5% before charging back up. (I do use it sometimes while it's in its charging phase.) He told me I can "re-teach" my battery to hold a longer charge this way.


Sent from my trusty iMac

On Jan 29, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Sallymae Hogsby wrote:

> Another newbie question.
> Should I unplug my charger, if it's at 100%, while I'm using it? Or can I leave it plugged in most of the time?

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