Thanks for your help, KM.
It synced rather quickly. I then figured out that the apps WERE there. The second page of my apps only has one app on it so it scared me to think that was all that there was. But, if I keep swiping, there are several more screens with my apps.
Whew! What a scare. Now, I can only hope that I like this new version and can figure out the folders and other new capabilities.
I should be all set now. THANKS!
--- In, "Angie" <angieraedel@...> wrote:
> Hi KM.
> OK, I was able to get it to reboot. But, all of my apps are gone except
> for the ones that were on the bottom quick access bar.
> If I hook it up to iTunes, iTunes will attempt to back it up and I don't
> want that. I'm trying to figure out how to get it to not back up or to
> stop the back up. Any ideas?
> I would like to try and restore the last good back up if I can.
> Angie
[iPad] Re: Upgrade to 4.2 using iTunes