Re: [iPad] upgrading ipad 2 to ipad 3


> When ever ipad 3 is launched will I have to buy the new ipad or can I upgrade my current ipad 2 to ipad 3 by downloading the new software?

Yes, and no. Both.

Whenever the iPad 3 is launched, it will probably come with an upgrade of the operating system, which is currently iOS 5.0.1

Almost certainly, the present iPads (1 & 2) will be able to utilize at least some of the new features, and you will be able to upgrade iOS for free. If you are already running iOS 5.x, you will be able to upgrade over-the-air.

But this will not change the fact that you have an iPad 2, not an iPad 3. If you actually want an iPad 3, with its new capabilities (e.g., high-resolution "retina" display, Siri, improved cameras), you will have to plunk down your money like everyone else.

> Any likelihood of rich text and flash player in ipad 3? I am missing these in ipad 2.

Flash player: absolutely not.
Rich text: what is it that you want that you do not have?

Jim Saklad

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