Re: [iPad] iPad 3 coming March 7th hopefully


My first gen iPod touch finally died. Well the kids kept putting it in the boom box cradle incorrectly so now it won't charge because the sync port is now warped. Without it, they have started to WANT to use my iPad or iPhone 4s more and more.


Carl W. Brooks

On Feb 29, 2012, at 12:29 PM, "bj" <> wrote:

> I still have an iTouch *2nd* gen that is going strong on what it does -- and
> I use it daily. So it doesn't do the latest & greatest -- so what? it still
> plays certain games just fine, works well as an ereader & occasional
> web-checker; I can make notes on it but usually don't.
> It's like having different sizes of spoons in the kitchen -- just because I
> got a giant size on for stock-pot-use doesn't mean I got rid of the smaller
> ones I'd been using -- they still work even if not perfect for some tasks.

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