[iPad] Re: iTunes forgetting purchases?


--- In iPad@yahoogroups.com, "Budd T" <n7eoj@...> wrote:
> A cursory search didn't show any comments along this line, but I've been noticing since either Lion u/g and/or iTunes u/d that the Store seems to have forgotten I have previously bought a song from an album. I now have duplicate copies of a couple of songs from different albums because of that.
I have noticed these changes since upgrading to Lion and iTunes 10
I'm not sure if this started after Lion upgrade, iTunes upgrade or both

Even though my iPod Touch, iPad and iMac are all set to automatically launch iTunes when either is plugged in, I have to manually launch iTunes. I have reset settings on all three, but iTunes still requires a manual launch.

iTunes used to keep track of and display songs I had previously purchased. Recently, I've noticed it rarely displays whether I've purchased a song. For a while, iTunes would popup a notice I already had that song, asking if I really wanted to purchase a song a second time. Now it has also allowed me to re-purchase songs I already have. The only way I know now is finding two copies in my Music list with different purchase dates.
This past week, a new irritation has occurred. Every time I wake up my iPad, I am prompted for my iTunes password.

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