Well i would love to do it. I'm not really sure however that I could fill a book or know the subject. I've often thought about some of the more stupid and highly prosecutable things I've done and also of the rises and almost rises I've had and somehow putting that into a bio, as bios do sell, but I just don't know. People have suggested travel writing but that's a highly crowded field with writers that are much more connected than I already doing it with tons more published works to back them. To get someone to get my incomplete guide to traveling central America over lonely planet or moon is a very big hurdle. I think the biggest hurdle you can see here, my in trepidation rather than enthusiasm. What I would need is the correct inspiration that sets enthusiasm and action into motion. I guess publishing an ebook would be simple.
Either way. It's a thought I'll keep in mind for a while. Maybe if I could get some of this volunteering figured out I could write in that direction.
Thanks for the kind thoughts. I'll definitely take any more you have :)
On Sep 2, 2014, at 4:07 PM, "'Carlee Marrer-Tising' c-marrer-tising@bluewin.ch [iPad]" <iPad@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Hey Kris¨I've been gone most of the afternoon and evening, just got home and checked my e-mails and found yours!! I have had such a great time reading all your travel adventures and looking at your gorgeous photos! Your style of writing is so charming, refreshing, and fun to read that I'm thinking you could do a great job on a book, maybe a Kindle one so you wouldn't have to go the publisher route. What do you think? Crazy idea or something worth thinking about?Thanks loads for your cool posts and photos!<sg-0.gif>/\__/\_____(=-.-=),,__,,_)~~~~/\„,„/\( =';'= )/*♡♡*\(.|.|..|.|.)-------Original Message-------Date: 02.09.2014 18:38:35Subject: [iPad] OT: greetings from Costa Rica [5 Attachments]$2000 bills and $500 coins. We had a fiasco getting here. Ended up getting swindled out of money and had to hitchhike to this town (Liberia) but that was a learning experience nothing I'm gonna poo poo about. The town is kinda boring and expensive but we are just here long enough to get a new visa for Nicaragua.Here some cash lol and a couple inside and outside shots of the two big buildings in town (Catholic Churches) there are iguanas in all the trees which is neat. But some if the local attractions are $20 to get there and $35 or $65 to get into!!! Yikes. Can not afford lolCheers!!!<*> View Attachments on Web https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/iPad/attachments/1534372259;_ylc=X3oDMTJyamU3a212BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzM4NjI2NzA3BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTAwNjQ5NgRzZWMDYXR0YWNobWVudARzbGsDdmlld09uV2ViBHN0aW1lAzE0MDk2NzU4ODU-------------------------------------Posted by: Just Murray <krismurray@gmail.com>------------------------------------------------------------------------Yahoo Groups Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:<*> Your email settings:Individual Email | Traditional<*> To change settings online go to:(Yahoo! ID required)<*> To change settings via email:<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:<*> Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________~KLM** Fifty $20 pledges is all it takes **
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