Re: [iPad] AW - radiation


I wonder whether the Watch, which, unlike the Phone, will be in prolonged contact with the body, will start to raise radiation worries.

Of course it will.
The great majority of the population has minimal understanding of radiation physics.

I've never been worried but anyone got any radiation science facts to share that would help the understanding? Or links? 

Breaking chemical bonds in DNA, or denaturing protein, requires photons above a certain threshold of energy. The bottom end of that range is in the ultraviolet (hence the warnings about too much UV exposure and later development of skin cancer). More concerning, of course, would be x-rays/gamma rays.

Our phones use microwaves, in the millimeter wavelength range. These photons lack sufficient energy to damage DNA by a factor of over 1000.

To say nothing of the fact that they are emitted at milliwatt power levels.

Your KILOWATT microwave oven emits similar radiation (confining it to within its cavity) to cook food, at 10,000 times the power level of your cellphone. And it does this (cook) strictly by *heating water*.

If you stand still in a military radar beam it will kill you.
It won't cause cancer, though, it will simply cook your tissues as you stand there.


Posted by: Jim Saklad <>
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