How many people can actually hear the difference between 256kbps and 1411kbps? 320kbps is good enough for me. I can't hear the difference above that.
No enthusiasm for iPhone/iPad? I don't understand that. I'm chomping at the bit for Tues announcement. Rumors of a 5.5 iPhone is a big deal for me. I own an iPad mini and love it too. I'm hoping if Theresa 5.5 inch iPhone, it could replace my iPad mini. Don't know if the screen will be big enough. I'm beta testing iOS 8 and really like the new things in it, like being able to take calls on my
iPad ir Mac when my iPhone rings. Very cool. E tensions are going to be very cool when developers come up with good ideas. Might take a little bit though.
Yes, the iPhone and iPad have become a necessity for me but a wonderful, exciting and fun necessity.
\ /\
( ) Alice
.( ). Little White Rabbit
On Sep 7, 2014, at 5:58 PM, david smith [iPad] <> wrote:
Will get a new iFone when ATT lets us. Very little enthusiasm, tho. Upgrading from time to time has become a necessity. Ditto iPad. iPad and iFone are needed, now - no longer luxuries or cute gadgets. iPad (regular size) is nearly perfect as is.Apple has become humdrum. What would be welcome is an iOS desktop/laptop, I think. And something to make the iPad less bulky - for carrying - and the iFone less effectively tiny. Bigger screen probably won't help much, tho, and may hinder, if the form factor makes it unpocketable.The watch is going to be bling for most and a fixation for health nuts. Do tens of millions of people really want to make comtech a semi-permanent part of their body?Apple TV could go places, but only with breakthru innovation, which does not seem to be Apple.AirPlay I depend on in the house for music, and it really needs to get a lot more solid. It sounds lovely when it's not tripping over rough patches in the wifi.iTunes needs to go full 1411 kbps. 256 is not good enough. Why pay for mush?I'm bonded to Apple, tho, so whatever they do is likely to be OK :0)So, whose keen on an iPhone 6?After many screen size rants over the years, I will wait. Concerned over issues, albeit rumoured. Concerned over the form factor IF Apple keeps the same size home button and the need to keep top and bottom bezel the same size.I wil consider maybe after a few weeks.My policy also.My household has 3 folks with iPhones. What we've done in the past is upgrade the oldest one, the shuffle them around among the 3 of us.MUCH more interested in iOS8 and Yosemite!Yes. Will be installing both as soon as they are released.
Posted by: Alice Saunders <>
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