There is a benefit from specialisation. Per each million $ of sales there is probably a lot less R+D spent due to the product range being quite small, as compared to Apple makiing fridges, freezers, shavers, TV's etc. not to mention focus.
From: "Alice Saunders [iPad]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 9 September 2014 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: [iPad] Apple iPhone Announcement Wallpaper
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 9 September 2014 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: [iPad] Apple iPhone Announcement Wallpaper
No, I think the largest company in the world should make the best toys they can that makes them money no matter if it's 1 or 100.
On Sep 8, 2014, at 3:00 AM, David Smith [iPad] <> wrote:
Shouldn't the largest company in the world make more than ten or fifteen toys?
- ipdt5I agree with everything you've said Tony, except you didn't mention that until the actual announcement, it's all rumors.I like how Ape watches the other companies and watches for what people buy and how they like it. They watch to see what's really working and what really isn't. Then they decide, out of what people really like, what things they want to imminent and how to make them better before putting them out. That takes quite sometime to do. People say Ape is behind the other phone manufacturers, like Samsung and LG. Apple may be behind but what they do put out, I think, is superior quality and runs better than the companies that rush to put something out.
\\ /\( ) Alice.( ). Little White RabbitI read a lot these days about Apple losing it, humdrum, wheres the innovation. I don't agree, this is why:- The IT product categories appear very well covered. In 2 days it will be iWatch, iPhone, iPad Mini, iPad, MBNA, rMBP, MBPro, iMac.What else is there? Do we blame every other manufacture for also being humdrum? pre iphone, it was all there to be created, and the above devices are our modern day tools, armed with OSX, iTunes, Apple TV, and the innovations promised in iOS8/YosemiteI don't see an HD Holographic Display anytime soon. other than that I feel the hardware is mature, OS/software is breakimg ground annually, and I see thats where the progress will be, a lot more than hardwareIn response to DavidApple TV, yes that does need its own apps, and functionality, I think that will come sooner than lateriPOS desktop/laptop. Cannot see that, iOS better for a tablet, OSX fully complete for a desktop/laptopiPad less bulky. Hmm. Make it thinner and its weak. There is a miniiPhone bigger. In 2 days, in 2 sizes, plus 4" from last year also, so 3 sizes.iWatch (It IS called the iWatch) Bling, "Its a new gadget, I want one", but main focus is the health/fitness users.Apple TV, needs breakthorough innovation? Functions that are not in the market elsewhere?I feel Apple is going the right way, cannot have breakthrough products like the iPod, iPhone, iPad, that often,. plus these key devices have been done now.From: "david smith[iPad]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, 8 September 2014 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [iPad] Apple iPhone Announcement WallpaperWill get a new iFone when ATT lets us. Very little enthusiasm, tho. Upgrading from time to time has become a necessity. Ditto iPad. iPad and iFone are needed, now - no longer luxuries or cute gadgets. iPad (regular size) is nearly perfect as is.Apple has become humdrum. What would be welcome is an iOS desktop/laptop, I think. And something to make the iPad less bulky - for carrying - and the iFone less effectively tiny. Bigger screen probably won't help much, tho, and may hinder, if the form factor makes it unpocketable.The watch is going to be bling for most and a fixation for health nuts. Do tens of millions of people really want to make comtech a semi-permanent part of their body?Apple TV could go places, but only with breakthru innovation, which does not seem to be Apple.AirPlay I depend on in the house for music, and it really needs to get a lot more solid. It sounds lovely when it's not tripping over rough patches in the wifi.iTunes needs to go full 1411 kbps. 256 is not good enough. Why pay for mush?I'm bonded to Apple, tho, so whatever they do is likely to be OK :0)So, whose keen on an iPhone 6?After many screen size rants over the years, I will wait. Concerned over issues, albeit rumoured. Concerned over the form factor IF Apple keeps the same size home button and the need to keep top and bottom bezel the same size.I wil consider maybe after a few weeks.My policy also.My household has 3 folks with iPhones. What we've done in the past is upgrade the oldest one, the shuffle them around among the 3 of us.MUCH more interested in iOS8 and Yosemite!Yes. Will be installing both as soon as they are released.
Posted by: Tony <>
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