That's exactly what I used to do when I was on AT&T, but it seems the new iPad with Verizon is somehow different.
Today, my AT&T router at home had another full day of off and on signal, both TV & Internet lost for a few minutes each time. Thru the day it gets a bit odd. I went to time-waner to price them and so, generally a bit frustrating today. Hopefully, someone will find an answer as to why I can't do what you and others have described... What we all should be able to do.
From my little technological bit of heaven, the new iPad!
On Apr 30, 2012, at 8:47 PM, JoyceK <> wrote:
> This conversation seems strange to me. I have the new iPad, Verizon version. When I hit Settings, Cellular Data, View Account it calls up a form where I fill in the usual info required for ordering something, including billing info.
> When I finish with that, it gives me the options to 1) turn off cellular data to restrict all data to Wi-Fi, 2) enable LTE, 3) turn off data roaming, and 4) to create a PIN for the SIM card.
> So it looks as though I can do everything I need to do from settings.
> I haven't tried it yet, so maybe I'm wrong.
> Joyce
Re: [iPad] Re: Can't modify Verizon data account through Settings?