Re: [iPad] Re: iPad for musical scores


LOL!!!  I have been wanting a red iPod Nano, so I, too, waited for the "big sale."  Ha!  Oh, well, might as well save a tiny amount instead of nothing at all, I thought, so I decided to go ahead and get this "huge savings" of 6% and order one.  It said all orders would have free shipping, so when I saw that almost the whole amount I would be saving was going toward S/H, I decided to call Apple to tell them I thought that was a bad deal.  Then I saw that there was an expert online, so I initiated a chat and got an expert named Sophie.  (That is amusing for me because I have a cat named Sophie!)  Sophie told me that this was a problem they were having and to phone in my order, so I did, and the Apple employee I talked to told me to send him the order number and he would make sure I got the money refunded.  So even if the sale isn't quite what I thought it would be, the service was great and the support people were very friendly and nice to deal with! 
-------Original Message-------
Date: 25.11.2011 19:59:03
Subject: [iPad] Re: iPad for musical scores

Wow David! Thank you for the information!!  I will pass that on to my husband and I'm sure he will understand what you said!  <grin>  I couldn't bite the bullet on the iPad last night…waited up for Apples 'big sale'  <boo>  what a joke.  Better deal on  Still waiting…..

Not sure if I can hold off until April though, if that's the hopeful 3 release.


Your friendly tightwad~




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