My father had a beautiful handwriting and among my recipes, I saved this. It's probably about fifty years old:
I agree, touching typing is very important these days but I hate to see cursive writing not being taught anymore. Even though I am left handed, and no I don't do the bent wrist, I have always prided myself on my handwriting. I also have some old letters of relatives dating back to the 30s and their cursive writing was beautiful back then, even the men had beautiful cursive handwriting.i understand they aren't even teaching cursive in school any more.
My handwriting is so appallingly bad that I'm really happy my 7th grade classroom was the typing room and we all had typewriters on our desks with blank keys. It wasn't much of a trick to learn to touch type.
When my kids were young, before keyboarding would be taught in school, I bought a typing textbook and bribed them to learn how to touch type. For each lesson they finished they got another hour of tv time.
My son, the tv addict, went through the book in record time.
My daughter was a bit young and small-handed for the task so she didn't learn to touch type at that time, but did at a later date. I never stopped stressing how important it was to be able to touch type.
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Nicole Mathisen <> wrote:
When I write, I use half cursive and half print. To be honest though, the last time I picked up a pen for writing anything other than a check or signature was over 6 months ago. I use my blackberry for temporary notes, iPad for note and info that needs to be kept, email for all my personal communication and most professional communication as well. I still haven't hooked my printer up to the new computer yet so I haven't printed anything except a few photos for my computer phobic mother in almost a year.
Now if only I could get all these companies to send email instead of dead trees, life would be much better.
Sent from Nicole's iPad
On Mar 31, 2011, at 10:06 PM, Carl Brooks <> wrote:
> When was the last time, we used it besides possibly for our signatures? Will the touch type be the new cursive?
"A problem is only the pessimistic way of looking at a challenge"
"A problem is only the pessimistic way of looking at a challenge"